Leadership Paradox #12: Lead and Follow
Leadership Paradox #12: Lead and Follow
There are times where the team needs to see you step up, take the flag and carry the team on your shoulders if necessary, but there are also times where your role has to change dramatically, to a follower, a silent participant, one more of the team. This is particularly important with a strong and mature team where you are merely coordinating and supporting the energy of other leaders.
Good reasons to temporarily transfer the lead to someone in the team are their specific expertise and the need to build a truly empowered team with decentralized leadership and a culture of full engagement from everyone.
Becoming a quiet follower requires humility and sensitivity, at the same time, it will build your credibility. You will earn the respect of everyone if once in a while you leave the ivory tower and walk among the first line.
An additional advantage of doing this shift in your role often is the first-hand understanding of what is really going on from a different perspective.
To put this paradox to work, be ready to switch roles, to let go, empower another leader and follow her/him for a while. It is easier said than done, many leaders may find it really difficult to let go, even for a short period of time.
Lead and follow quick tips:
1. Give the baton (visibly) to the interim leader.
2. Support from the line, be humble, be positive.
4. Resist the temptation to take over.
5. Say thank you and recognize the leader that you empowered when you take over the lead role again.